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Umbrellas in a Sandstorm

Umbrellas in a Sandstorm

by Bruce A. Huff

Stumbling through a storm of suffering and pain,

I saw umbrellas melt in hate-filled rain.

Tears of desperation dried up in my eyes,

as my soul lost hope, shriveled and died.

Wind turned the rain to skin-shredding sand,

reducing to bones a once healthy man.

First I sought solace in earthly pleasure,

but that soon became a chest without treasure.

Loveless sex simply brought more deep pain,

and again left me standing alone in the rain.

I then dived into a deluge of money,

but it stung like bees protecting their honey.

Then through the storm Jesus whispered my name,

He asked me to give Him my sin and my shame.

Living Water sated deep soul thirst,

it brought new life to a corpse in a hearse.

Sand became soil bursting with seeds,

love and grace replaced dense, strangling weeds.

Storms still come as I walked through this life,

but His gentle voice quells flood tides of strife.

His arms hold me firm midst life’s howling winds,

His voice whispers peace that knows no en

Jesus can calm your life's troubled sea,

just confess and repent and in Him be free.



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